Leathercraft book. Beginner's guide to leathercraft

Hi all! My name is Serg Klim. I am an experienced leather craftsman. I have written this e-book with the intention of conveying my experience in this art. I wish you to master this valuable craft, which can bring you great income and the joy of creation. The book is written for beginners and contains basic techniques for working with leather. After the purchase, a link to download the book in pdf format will be available.

A set of 20 excellent patterns

I also present a collection of patterns for 20 products for beginners in leathercraft. Ideal for practical application of the knowledge gained in the book. Buying a collection will allow you to save significantly, unlike buying selective templates.

Separate templates for cardholders, wallets, pouches and keychains.

In addition to the book on leathercraft and a set of 20 templates for making leather goods, you also have the option to purchase individual templates as needed. I recommend buying the templates as a set, as it will be much more cost-effective when compared to purchasing each template individually